How to Run Instagram Ads?
Instagram advertising is a payment method to publish sponsored content on the Instagram platform to reach a wider and more specific audience. On the contrary, you need an image, a set of images or a video (which can be accompanied by text) to reach your audience with Instagram ads. Instagram is a very visual platform, so no matter what you use it for, its content must be visually appealing. Nor do you need the best camera equipment or the best editing software to get excellent results. The platform is very easy to use, so if you are a retail giant like Nike or you are starting your personal brand, there is no doubt that you can conquer this social media application.
When creating Instagram ads, you can make them for your feed or for your stories, and these can be images or videos. No matter what you decide, you will have the greatest success if you adhere to Instagram's guidelines and best practices:
1- Instagram is about sharing high-quality images. Instagram filters will help you edit your photos before posting them and make them look great.
2- The bright and crisp images are always the most striking. Keep your images clear and use a strong focal point.
3- Although you can use up to 2,200 characters (including emojis) and up to 30 hashtags, it is better to be short and sweet.
4- Write in the language/tone of your audience.
5- Create a hashtag for your business. Keep it short and catchy.
6- Each niche has its own hashtags. Find your niche tags and test results.
7- Store your hashtags in a safe place. You can create a doc file with your hashtags list or use a social media management platform to keep different hashtags lists saved and within reach. Then, you can easily copy and paste them into each post you share.
Instagram is a Huge platform to portray your talent or work and if you want to be an expert in Instagram ads learn How to Run Instagram Ads by Experts in TheDigiExperts. In the past, Instagram ads were limited to the images that appeared in the feed of your target audience. Now, you have many more options when it comes to posting ads. Some of the ad formats you can choose on Instagram include:
1- Photo ads: these are the standard ads that you can see appear in your feed as you scroll through Instagram. These ads simply include a photo, which can be in a square or horizontal format.
2- Video ads: Video ads are basically the same as photo ads, only in video format. These can also be square or horizontal, can include sound and can last up to 60 seconds.
3- Story ads: these types of ads will not appear in your feed, but in your stories. They must have 1080px by 1920px to look their best. You can create an image or video ads, just keep in mind that there are length limits. Images will be displayed for 5 seconds and video ads can last up to 15 seconds.
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